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With StayLinked Terminal Emulation, you can easily connect mobile devices to host-based applications. StayLinked connects any mobile device to any host-based application, such as SAP, Oracle, Blue Yonder (JDA, Red Prairie), Highjump, and Manhattan Associates.

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The Hidden Cost of Dropped Session Connections

From output to morale, dropped session connections can cause a domino effect in disrupting warehouse efficiency and productivity. Considering the regularity of session drops, the time to reconnect, and the number of affected workers each shift, session drops are having a broad and significant impact on the bottom line of warehouse operations.

Operational Delays

Operational delays

Each time a session drops the user has to log back into the system, which takes time. Even a few minutes can have a ripple effect on the entire operation. 

Decreased Productivity

Decreased Productivity

Consistent interruptions mean that tasks take longer to complete. Over time this decrease in efficiency can lead to missed deadlines and slower order fulfillment.

Errors and Mistakes

Errors and Mistakes

When sessions drop, there’s a risk of data loss or error. A worker might scan a product, but if the session drops before the data is saved, that action might not be recorded. Such errors can lead to inventory discrepancies, missed shipments, and other costly mistakes.

Increased Labor Costs

Increased Labor Costs

Delays and inefficiencies mean that workers spend more time on tasks than necessary. This can lead to increased labor hours and, in turn, higher costs.

Reduced Morale

Reduced Morale

Constant technical issues can be frustrating for workers. Over time, this can lead to decreased job satisfaction and higher turnover rates, which in turn can increase recruitment and training costs.

Customer Impact

Customer Impact

Inefficiencies and errors can lead to delayed shipments or wrong items being sent out, which could result in contractual penalties. This can hurt a company's reputation and lead to loss of customers or increased costs in returns and corrections.

Delivering Seamless Sessions

Seamless sessions are essential in modern warehouse operations. SmartTE delivers true session persistence, eradicating crashed sessions and all the associated disruptive costs and consequences. Boosting your business and benefiting your bottom line.

Redefining the Future

Leading-edge technologies, such as IIoT devices and AMRs, have transformed warehousing operations, delivering numerous benefits, and ensuring future readiness. While traditional green screen devices have their merits, they require more extensive training and have a steeper learning curve. With SmartTE you can transform your "green screen" applications and benefit from today’s touchscreen technology, advancing your warehouse to a more efficient and adaptable operation.

The Benefits of StayLinked's SmartTE

Why you can rely on StayLinked's SmartTE to provide the best solution for your 'green screen' devices:

Save Time

Save Time

Save time and cost with true “Out-of-the-Box” automatic reformatting - no manual editing required.

Increased Productivity

Increased Productivity

Avoid disruptions to end-user productivity by incrementally introducing the new interface to your workforce.

Easy Deployment

Easy Deployment

Smoother and easier deployment as changes are automatically displayed on all devices without additional MDM products.



Use SmartTiles to create widgets, buttons, custom keyboards, tool tips and more – all above the application layer, without touching the host application.

Pay only for what you use

Pay only for what you use

StayLinked’s Fair Licensing is based on concurrent connections (not all your devices) and licenses supporting future devices with no additional fees.

Measure Performance

Measure Performance

Easily measure business process performance with StayLinked IQ – Business Intelligence included.

No Additional Tech

No Additional Tech

With SmartTE only the StayLinked server is required for all elements.

Supports all Platforms

Supports All Platforms

Supports Android devices, but unlike rival options, also iOS and other platforms.

Maximize Your ROI

Maximize Your ROI

Rather than replacing your devices, use SmartTE to upgrade them to touchscreen technology and optimize your existing investment.

Reduced Error Rates

Reduced Error Rates

With SmartTE you can transform green screen devices to more intuitive interfaces that deliver on-screen instructions, significantly reducing data entry errors.

Improved Efficiency

Improved Efficiency

SmartTE facilitates easier data entry by converting green screens into touchscreens through on-screen keyboards, drop-down menus, and touch-based navigation. This simplifies tasks for warehouse workers and improves operational speed.



As warehouses increasingly move towards automation and real-time data becomes more crucial, SmartTE and Evolve lay the groundwork for your organization to embrace these advancements.

Warehouse workers processing packages on assembly line

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